In the past 160 years, life has become much more complex. Unlike in the past, where wrongs were settled by neighbors, today, they are often resolved through court and with hefty settlements. Recent awards include $1.1 million for a dog bite, as well as $21 million in a DUI accident and $3.5 millions for internet defamation. What would you do if you were to be sued for such a high amount?
Gilbert’s Risk Solutions likes to dispel a myth that is often repeated: Umbrella insurance PA policies are for the wealthy only. It’s true, umbrella insurance is a good way to protect assets for those with means. However, it can be a valuable tool for anyone. You think you have nothing of value? You could be at risk if you have a nest-egg for retirement or wages that can be garnished.
In Pennsylvania umbrella insurance is an extra layer of protection over and above the home or auto insurance. Your primary insurance pays first if a third-party suffers an injury or damages property due to your negligence. The umbrella will kick in if the damage exceeds primary coverage.