The Jetsons meet the Flintstones
The Jetsons meet the flintstones: The Jetsons is an American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The show first aired in primetime from September 23, 1962 until March 17, 1963 on ABC and later, it was repeats through syndication with new episodes created from 1985 until 1987. This was Hanna Barbera’s Space Age counterpart to The Flintstones.It was a rerun of the show on
The Jetsons meet the flintstones:
When the Flintstones were living in a place that was a comical representation of the Stone Age, with machines powered by dinosaurs and birds and the Jetsons are living in a humorous reimagining of the future of a century,with elaborate robotic gadgets as well as aliens, holograms and other wacky inventions.
The original program had 24 episodes and aired on Sundays on ABC beginning on September 23 in 1962, with prime-time replays continuing through September 22nd, 1963. It debuted as the first show to be broadcast in color by ABC in the 1960s, at a time when only few ABC stations were able to broadcast in color. Contrary to this, The Flintstones, while always produced in color was broadcast in black-and white for the initial two seasons.[9It was broadcast on ABC in the early 1960s.
The Jetsons Movie:
The show was initially scheduled to air alongside Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color and Dennis the Menace and received little attention. Because of the low ratings, it was canceled after the first season, but was later transferred to Saturday mornings which proved to be extremely successful. After its primetime show’s run The show aired on Saturdays for decades, beginning with ABC during the season 1963-64, and later for the following seasons on CBS and NBC. The show was re-run with new episodes created for syndication in the years 1985 until 1987. There were no more specials or episodes were made following 1989, as most of the actors ( George O’Hanlon, Mel Blanc and Daws Butler) were dead between the years 1988 and 1989. The 1991 film Jetsons: The Movie was the finale of the series television show, however it did not achieve commercial and critical success.
Video from the jetsons season 1
Jetsons: The Movie Story
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